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Project metadata

1. Working with Spring Stores

The goal of the Spring Content is to make it easy to create applications that manage content such as documents, images and video by significantly reducing the amount of boilerplate code that the Developer must create for themselves. Instead, the Developer provides interfaces only that declare the intent for the content-related functionality. Based on these, and on class-path dependencies, Spring Content is then able to inject storage-specific implementations.


This chapter explains the core concepts and interfaces for Spring Content. The examples in this chapter use Java configuration and code samples for the Spring Content S3 module. Adapt the Java configuration and the types to be extended to the equivalents for the particular Spring Content module that you are using.

1.1. Core concepts

The central interfaces in the Spring Content are Store, AssociativeStore and ContentStore. These interfaces provide access to content streams through the standard Spring Resource API either directly or through association with Spring Data entities.

1.1.1. Store

The simplest interface is the Store interface. Essentially, it is a Spring ResourceLoader that returns instances Spring Resource. It is also generic allowing the Resource’s ID (or location) to be specified. All other Store interfaces extend from Store.

Example 1. Store interface
public interface Store<SID extends Serializable> {

	Resource getResource(SID id);		(1)
  1. Returns a Resource handle for the specified id

For example, given a PictureStore that extends Store it is possible to store (retrieve and delete) pictures.

1.1.2. AssociativeStore

AssociativeStore extends from Store allowing Spring Resource’s to be associated with JPA Entities.

Example 2. AssociativeStore interface
public interface AssociativeStore<SID extends Serializable> {

	Resource getResource(SID id);								(1)
	void associate(S entity, PropertyPath path, SID id);		(2)
    void unassociate(S entity, PropertyPath path);				(3)
	Resource getResource(S entity, PropertyPath path);			(4)
  1. Returns a Resource handle for the specified id

  2. Associates the Resource id with the Entity entity at the PropertyPath path

  3. Unassociates the Resource at the PropertyPath path from the entity

  4. Returns a handle for the associated Resource at PropertyPath path

For example, given an Entity User with Spring Content annotations, a UserRepository and the PictureStore this time extending AssociativeStore it is possible to store and associate a profile picture for each user.

Example 3. ContentStore interface
public class User {
	private Long id;

	private String username;

	private String contentId;

	private Long contentLength

public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long> {

public interface PictureStore extends AssociativeStore<User, String> {

public class Application {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);

	public CommandLineRunner demo(UserRespository repo, PictureStore store) {
		return (args) -> {
			// create a new user
			User jbauer = new User("jbauer");

			// store a picture
			WritableResource r = (WritableResource)store.getResource("/some/picture.jpeg");

			try (InputStream is = new FileInputStream("/tmp/jbauer.jpg")) {
				try (OutputStream os = ((WritableResource)r).getOutputStream()) {
					IOUtils.copyLarge(is, os);

			// associate the Resource with the Entity
			store.associate(jbauer, PropertyPath("content"), "/some/picture.jpeg");

			// save the user

1.2. ContentStore

ContenStore extends AssociativeStore and provides a more convenient API for managing associated content based on java Stream, rather than Resource.

Example 4. ContentStore interface
public interface ContentStore<E, CID extends Serializable> {

	void setContent(E entity, InputStream content); 	(1)
	InputStream getContent(E entity);					(2)
	void unsetContent(E entity);						(3)
  1. Stores content and associates it with entity

  2. Returns the content associated with entity

  3. Deletes content and unassociates it from entity

The example above can be refactored as follows:

Example 5. ContentStore interface
public class User {
	private Long id;

	private String username;

	private String contentId;

	private Long contentLength

public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long> {

public interface ProfilePictureStore extends ContentStore<User, String> {

public class Application {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);

	public CommandLineRunner demo(UserRepository repository, ProfilePictureStore store) {
		return (args) -> {
			// create a new user
			User jbauer = new User("jbauer");

			// store profile picture
			store.setContent(jbauer, new FileInputStream("/tmp/jbauer.jpg"));

			// save the user

1.3. ReactiveContentStore

ReactiveContenStore is an experimental Store that provides a reactive API for managing associated content based on Mono and Flux reactive API.

Example 6. ReactiveContentStore interface
public interface ReactiveContentStore<E, CID extends Serializable> {

    Mono<S> setContent(S entity, PropertyPath path, long contentLen, Flux<ByteBuffer> buffer);  (1)
    Flux<ByteBuffer> getContentAsFlux(S entity, PropertyPath path);                             (2)
    Mono<E> unsetContent(E entity);                                                             (3)
  1. Stores content and associates it with entity

  2. Returns the content associated with entity

  3. Deletes content and unassociates it from entity

The example above can be refactored as follows:

Example 7. ReactiveContentStore interface
public class User {
    private Long id;

    private String username;

    private String contentId;

    private Long contentLength

public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long> {

public interface ProfilePictureStore extends ReactiveContentStore<User, String> {

public class Application {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);

    public CommandLineRunner demo(UserRepository repository, ProfilePictureStore store) {
        return (args) -> {
            // create a new user
            User jbauer = new User("jbauer");

            // store profile picture
            FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("/tmp/jbauer.jpg");
            int len = fis.available();
            ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(len);

            store.setContent(jbauer, PropertyPath.from("content"), len, Flux.just(byteBuffer)))
                .doOnSuccess(updatedJbauer -> {
                    // save the user

Currently, S3 is the only storage module that supports this experimental API.

1.3.1. Content Properties

As we can see above content is "associated" by adding additional metadata about the content to the JPA Entity. This additional metadata is denoted with Spring Content annotations. There are several. The only mandatory annotation is @ContentId. Other optional annotations include @ContentLength, @MimeType and @OriginalFileName. These may be added to your entities when you need to capture this additional infomation about your associated content.

When adding these optional annotations it is highly recommended that you correlate the field’s name creating a "content property". This allows for multiple pieces of content to be associated with the same entity, as shown in the following example. When associating a single piece of content this is not necessary but still recommended.

Example 8. Content Property
public class User {
	private Long id;

	private String username;

	private String contentId;				(1)

	private Long contentLength

	private String contentType;

	private String contentName;

	private String renditionId;				(2)

	private Long renditionLength

	private String renditionType;
  1. Content property "content" with id, length, type and original filename

  2. Content property "rendition" with id, length and type

1.3.2. Using Stores with Multiple Spring Content Storage Modules

Using a single Spring Content storage module in your application keeps things simple because all Storage beans will use to that one Spring Content storage module as their implementation. Sometimes, applications require more than one Spring Content storage module. In such cases, a store definition must distinguish between storage technologies by extending one of the module-specific signature Store interfaces.

See Signature Types for the signature types for the storage modules you are using.

Manual Storage Override

Because Spring Content provides an abstraction over storage it is also common to use one storage module for testing but another for production. For these cases it is possible to again include multiple Spring Content storage modules, but use generic Store interfaces, rather than signature types, and instead specify the spring.content.storage.type.default=<storage_module_id> property to manually set the storage implementation to be injected into your Storage beans.

1.3.3. Events

Spring Content emits twelve events. Roughly speaking one for each Store method. They are:

  • BeforeGetResourceEvent

  • AfterGetResourceEvent

  • BeforeAssociateEvent

  • AfterAssociateEvent

  • BeforeUnassociateEvent

  • AfterUnassociateEvent

  • BeforeSetContent

  • AfterSetContent

  • BeforeGetContent

  • AfterGetContent

  • BeforeUnsetContent

  • AfterUnsetContent

Writing an ApplicationListener

If you wish to extend Spring Content’s functionality you can subclass the abstract class AbstractStoreEventListener and override the methods that you are interested in. When these events occur your handlers will be called.

There are two variants of each event handler. The first takes the entity with with the content is associated and is the source of the event. The second takes the event object. The latter can be useful, especially for events related to Store methods that return results to the caller.

Example 9. Entity-based AbstractContentRepositoryEventListener
public class ExampleEventListener extends AbstractContentRepositoryEventListener {

	public void onAfterSetContent(Object entity) {
		...logic to inspect and handle the entity and it's content after it is stored

	public void onBeforeGetContent(BeforeGetContentEvent event) {
		...logic to inspect and handle the entity and it's content before it is fetched

The down-side of this approach is that it does not filter events based on Entity.

Writing an Annotated StoreEventHandler

Another approach is to use an annotated handler, which does filter events based on Entity.

To declare a handler, create a POJO and annotate it as @StoreEventHandler. This tells Spring Content that this class needs to be inspected for handler methods. It iterates over the class’s methods and looks for annotations that correspond to the event. There are twelve handler annotations:

  • HandleBeforeGetResource

  • HandleAfterGetResource

  • HandleBeforeAssociate

  • HandleAfterAssociate

  • HandleBeforeUnassociate

  • HandleAfterUnassociate

  • HandleBeforeSetContent

  • HandleAfterSetContent

  • HandleBeforeGetContent

  • HandleAfterGetContent

  • HandleBeforeUnsetContent

  • HandleAfterUnsetContent

Example 10. Entity-based annotated event handler
public class ExampleAnnotatedEventListener {

	public void handleAfterSetContent(SopDocument doc) {
		...type-safe handling logic for SopDocument's and their content after it is stored

	public void onBeforeGetContent(Product product) {
		...type-safe handling logic for Product's and their content before it is fetched

These handlers will be called only when the event originates from a matching entity.

As with the ApplicationListener event handler in some cases it is useful to handle the event. For example, when Store methods returns results to the caller.

Example 11. Event-based annotated event handler
public class ExampleAnnotatedEventListener {

	public void handleAfterGetResource(AfterGetResourceEvent event) {
		SopDocument doc = event.getSource();
		Resource resourceToBeReturned = event.getResult();
		...code that manipulates the resource being returned...

To register your event handler, either mark the class with one of Spring’s @Component stereotypes so it can be picked up by @SpringBootApplication or @ComponentScan. Or declare an instance of your annotated bean in your ApplicationContext.

Example 12. Handler registration
public class ContentStoreConfiguration {

	ExampeAnnotatedEventHandler exampleEventHandler() {
		return new ExampeAnnotatedEventHandler();

1.3.4. Searchable Stores

Applications that handle documents and other media usually have search capabilities allowing relevant content to be found by looking inside of it for keywords or phrases, so called full-text search.

Spring Content is able to support this capability with it’s Searchable<CID> interface.

Example 13. Searchable interface
public interface Searchable<CID> {

    Iterable<T> search(String queryString);

Any Store interface can be made to extend Searchable<CID> in order to extend its capabilities to include the search(String queryString) method. For example:

public interface DocumentContentStore extends ContentStore<Document, UUID>, Searchable<UUID> {


private DocumentContentStore store;

Iterable<UUID> = store.search("to be or not to be");

For search to return actual results full-text indexing must be enabled. See Fulltext Indexing and Searching for more information on how to do this.

1.3.5. Renderable Stores

Applications that handle files and other media usually also have rendition capabilities allowing content to be transformed from one format to another.

Content stores can therefore optionally also be given rendition capabilities by extending the Renderable<E> interface.

Example 14. Renderable interface
public interface Renderable<E> {

	InputStream getRendition(E entity, String mimeType);

Returns a mimeType rendition of the content associated with entity.

Renditions must be enabled and renderers provided. See Renditions for more information on how to do this.

1.4. Creating Content Store Instances

To use these core concepts:

  1. Define a Spring Data entity and give it’s instances the ability to be associated with content by adding @ContentId and @ContentLength annotations

    public class SopDocument {
    	private @Id @GeneratedValue Long id;
    	private String title;
    	private String[] authors, keywords;
    	// Spring Content managed attribute
    	private @ContentId UUID contentId;
    	private @ContentLength Long contentLen;
  2. Define an interface extending Spring Data’s CrudRepository and type it to the domain and ID classes.

    public interface SopDocumentRepository extends CrudRepository<SopDocument, Long> {
  3. Define another interface extending ContentStore and type it to the domain and @ContentId class.

    public interface SopDocumentContentStore extends ContentStore<SopDocument, UUID> {
  4. Optionally, make it extend Searchable

    public interface SopDocumentContentStore extends ContentStore<SopDocument, UUID>, Searchable<UUID> {
  5. Optionally, make it extend Renderable

    public interface SopDocumentContentStore extends ContentStore<SopDocument, UUID>, Renderable<SopDocument> {
  6. Set up Spring to create proxy instances for these two interfaces using JavaConfig:

    class Config {}
    The JPA and S3 namespaces are used in this example. If you are using the repository and content store abstractions for other databases and stores, you need to change this to the appropriate namespace declaration for your store module.
  7. Inject the repositories and use them

    public class SomeClass {
    	@Autowired private SopDocumentRepository repo;
      	@Autowired private SopDocumentContentStore contentStore;
    	public void doSomething() {
    		SopDocument doc = new SopDocument();
    		contentStore.setContent(doc, new ByteArrayInputStream("some interesting content".getBytes())); # (1)
    		InputStream content = contentStore.getContent(sopDocument);
    		List<SopDocument> docs = doc.findAllByContentId(contentStore.findKeyword("interesting"));
    1. Spring Content will update the @ContentId and @ContentLength fields

1.5. Patterns of Content Association

Content can be associated with a Spring Data Entity in several ways.

1.5.1. Entity Association

The simplest, allowing you to associate one Entity with one Resource, is to decorate your Spring Data Entity with the Spring Content attributes.

The following example shows a Resource associated with an Entity Dvd.

public class Dvd {
	private @Id @GeneratedValue Long id;
	private String title;

	// Spring Content managed attributes
	private @ContentId UUID contentId;
	private @ContentLength Long contentLen;


public interface DvdRepository extends CrudRepository<Dvd, Long> {}

public interface DvdStore extends ContentStore<Dvd, UUID> {}

1.5.2. Property Association

Sometimes you might want to associate multiple different Resources with an Entity. To do this it is also possible to associate Resources with one or more Entity properties.

The following example shows two Resources associated with a Dvd entity. The first Resource is the Dvd’s cover Image and the second is the Dvd’s Stream.

public class Dvd {
	private @Id @GeneratedValue Long id;
	private String title;

	@OneToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
	@JoinColumn(name = "image_id")
	private Image image;

	@OneToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
	@JoinColumn(name = "stream_id")
	private Stream stream;


public class Image {
	// Spring Data managed attribute
	private @Id @GeneratedValue Long id;

	private Dvd dvd;

	// Spring Content managed attributes
	private @ContentId UUID contentId;
	private @ContentLength Long contentLen;

public class Stream {
	// Spring Data managed attribute
	private @Id @GeneratedValue Long id;

	private Dvd dvd;

	// Spring Content managed attributes
	private @ContentId UUID contentId;
	private @ContentLength Long contentLen;

public interface DvdRepository extends CrudRepository<Dvd, Long> {}

public interface ImageStore extends ContentStore<Image, UUID> {}

public interface StreamStore extends ContentStore<Stream, UUID> {}

Note how the Content attributes are placed on each property object of on the Entity itself.

When using JPA with a relational database these are typically (but not always) also Entity associations. However when using NoSQL databases like MongoDB that are capable of storing hierarchical data they are true property associations.

Property Collection Associations

In addition to associating many different types of Resource with a single Entity. It is also possible to associate one Entity with many Resources using a java.util.Collection property, as the following example shows.

public class Dvd {
	private @Id @GeneratedValue Long id;
	private String title;

	@JoinColumn(name = "chapter_id")
	private List<Chapter> chapters;


public class Chapter {
	// Spring Data managed attribute
	private @Id @GeneratedValue Long id;

	// Spring Content managed attributes
	private @ContentId UUID contentId;
	private @ContentLength Long contentLen;

public interface DvdRepository extends CrudRepository<Dvd, Long> {}

public interface ChapterStore extends ContentStore<Chapter, UUID> {}

2.1. Overview

When enabled, the Elasticsearch integration will, by default, forward all content to an Elasticsearch cluster for fulltext indexing.

2.2. Annotation-based Configuration

Spring Content Elasticsearch requires a RestHighLevelClient bean that is used as the connection to your Elasticsearch cluster.

Elasticsearch can be enabled with the following Java Config.

Example 15. Enabling Spring Content Elasticsearch with Java Config
@EnableElasticsearchFulltextIndexing        (1)
@EnableFilesystemStores                     (2)
public static class ApplicationConfig {

    public RestHighLevelClient client() {
        return new RestHighLevelClient(RestClient.builder(new HttpHost("localhost", 9200, "http")));

  1. Specify the @EnableElasticsearchFulltextIndexing annotation in an @Configuration class

  2. Spring Content Elasticsearch works with any Spring Content Store module

  3. Ensure a RestHighLevelClient bean is instantiated somewhere within your @Configuration

2.3. Spring Boot Configuration

Alternatively, you can use the Spring Boot Starter spring-content-elasticsearch-boot-starter.

When using this method of configuration the @EnableElasticsearchFulltextIndexing annotation can be omitted as it will be added for you. As will a RestHighLevelClient client bean configured to connect to localhost.

The following configuration properties (prefix spring.content.elasticsearch) are supported.

Property Description


Whether, or not, to enable autoindexing to index content as it is added

2.4. Making Stores Searchable

With fulltext-indexing enabled, Store interfaces can be made Searchable. See Searchable Stores for more information on how to do this.

2.5. Custom Indexing

By default when you @EnableElasticsearchFulltextIndexing a store event handler is registered that intercepts content being added to a Store and sends that content to your Elasticsearch cluster for full-text indexing. This is usually all you need. However, sometimes you may need more control over when documents are indexed. For these cases you can use the IndexService bean directly in your code to index (or unindex) content as required.

When performing custom indexing it is usual to turn of the auto-indexing feature but specifying spring.content.elasticsearch.autoindex=false in your application properties.

2.6. Text Extraction

For images and other media, it also possible to configure the elasticsearch integration to perform text extraction and send that instead of the image content to Elasticsearch.

This requires two stages of configuration:

  1. Add one or more renderers to the application context. These renderers are used to perform the text extraction. To be used for text extraction a renderer must produce text/plain content but can consume any suitable mime type. When content matching its consume mime type is added to a Store the renderer will be invoked to extract text and this extracted text will then be sent to the Elasticsearch for fulltext indexing in place of the original content.

Example 16. Adding a renderer to perform text extraction
public static class ApplicationConfig {

    public RestHighLevelClient client() {
        return new RestHighLevelClient(RestClient.builder(new HttpHost("localhost", 9200, "http")));

    public RenditionProvider jpgTextExtractor() {
        return new RenditionProvider() {

            public String consumes() {
                return "image/jpg";                     // can be any mime-type

            public String[] produces() {
                return new String[] {"text/plain"};     // must be 'text/plain'

            public InputStream convert(InputStream fromInputSource, String toMimeType) {
  1. Make the Store Renderable as this will be used internally to extract the text

Example 17. Making the Store interface Renderable
public interface DocumentStore extends ContentStore<Document, UUID> implements Searchable<Document>, Renderable<Document> {

2.7. Custom Attributes and Filtering Queries

By default Spring Content Elasticsearch indexes content only. However, it is common to synchronize additional attributes from the primary domain model that can then be used for filtering full-text queries or for efficiently populating search results (removing the need to perform subsequent queries against the primary domain model).

To synchronize additional attributes when content is indexed add a bean that implements AttributeProvider to your application’s configuration:

    public AttributeProvider<Document> attributeProvider() {
        return new AttributeProvider<Document>() {

            public Map<String, String> synchronize(Document entity) {

                Map<String, String> attrs = new HashMap<>();
                attrs.put("title", entity.getTitle());
                attrs.put("author", entity.getAuthor());
                return attrs;

To customize the query that gets executed when a Store’s Searchable method is invoked add a FilterQueryProvider bean to your application’s configuration:

    public FilterQueryProvider fqProvider() {
        return new FilterQueryProvider() {

            public String[] filterQueries(Class<?> entity) {

                return new String[] {"author:foo@bar.com"};
this bean is often a request scoped bean or has an implementation based on a thread local variable in order to build and return filter queries based on the current execution context.

2.8. Search Return Types

Searchable is a generic type allowing you to specify the return type of the result set. The simplest option is to type this interface to String in which case result sets will be collections of content IDs.

You can also type the interface to your own custom class. Several annotations are available allowing you to tailor full-text search results to your specific needs:

  • @ContentId; extracts the content ID of the content from your search results

  • @Highlight; extracts highlighted snippets from your search results so you can show users where the query matches are

  • Attribute; extracts the specified attribute from your search results (must be synchronized using an AttributeProvider) :leveloffset: -1